Did you know that by the time you experience the sensation of thirst, you are already dehydrated? That thirst sensation is your body’s call for re-hydration. Water is the body’s source of life. Our bodies are composed of 60-75 % of water. Water serves a number of essential functions that keeps our bodies sustained: It’s…
How To End Your Struggle With Glaucoma
You are what you eat and what you put in your body has a major effect on the health of your eyes. Glaucoma is a condition where increased pressure within the eyeball, causes a gradual loss of sight. Eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve. When a…
So You Think You Know Everything About Kiwi Juice? Read This and Find Out!
What makes Kiwi Juice so appealing? It’s health benefits of course… Kiwi fruit contains valuable minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, all help to promote a healthy body. The vitamins and minerals contained within kiwi make this fruit highly beneficial for many ailments. Here are 11 health benefits that kiwis provide: Kiwi promotes good heart health…
What Everybody Ought To Know About Stomach Acid Reflux
Do you suffer from stomach acid reflux, gastritis, and ulcers? Consider adding cabbage juice to your diet. Cabbage juice probably may not sound like a pleasant tasting drink, but it does yield a multitude of health benefits and it is effective against heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, and stomach ulcers just to name a few ailments….
Take Charge of Your Diabetes and Other Ailments With Bitter Melon Juice
10 healthy reasons why you should consume bitter melon Juice every day. Bitter melon looks like a cucumber with bumps all over it. It flourishes in hot and humid climates and is common in Asian countries and South America. Bitter melon is usually added to stir-fry or may be enjoyed stuffed. It may also be…
Give Me Three Minutes – and I’ll Give You An Anti Candida Juice Recipe
First of all…what is Candida? Candida lives inside each and every one of us. We all have moderate amounts of Candida and other yeast living inside of us and it doesn’t cause us any harm. Normal amounts of Candida live in the mouth, stomach, and vagina, and do not cause infections. As long as the…
How to End Your Fight with Chronic Inflammation
Fight chronic inflammation by adding these foods to your smoothies or juice Inflammation is a necessary part of the body’s immune response. It is the body’s endeavor to heal itself after an injury; defend itself against foreign invaders, like viruses and bacteria; and repair damaged tissue. For example, if you scrape your knee, the skin around that area gets…
How Drinking Aloe Vera Juice Benefits Your Body (Even If You are a [Newbie/Amature…)
Why Aloe Vera called the “plant of immortality.” For thousands of years Aloe Vera has been widely used to treat many health aliments. The Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality” because of its diverse applications for literally everything. I’m sure you that most of you who are reading this article are aware of the amazing…