First of all, what is Candida?
Candida is a yeast fungus that generally lives inside each one of us. We all have moderate amounts of Candida residing on our skin and other yeast living inside us. It doesn’t cause us any harm.
Typical amounts of Candida live in your mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines; it is part of your gut flora. It aids with digestion. Small amounts also exist both in the vagina and rectum and does not cause infections.
As long as the ‘friendly’ healthy bacteria outnumber the bad, Candida can is not a threat. However, eliminating the beneficial bacteria can result in Candida becoming free to multiply to harmful levels.
Candida growth can be caused by taking certain drugs like antibiotics, corticosteroids, hormonal birth control pills, pregnancy, being overweight, bacterial infection, or other health conditions like a weakened immune system and diabetes.
What is Candidiasis? (Candida Overgrowth)
Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast fungus called Candida. Candida can cause infections if it grows out of control or if it enters deep into the body.
Once our internal environment gets out of balance, Candida can change into its fungal form (spores). The spores penetrate the intestinal wall and are then transported into the bloodstream to internal organs like the kidney, heart, or brain.
Once the overgrowth occurs, it causes a multitude of symptoms within the body as listed:
- Food cravings for carbohydrates or sweets
- Mood swings, anxiety or depression
- Headaches or migraines
- Menstrual problems and PMS
- Finger or toenail fungus (Athlete’s foot)
- Vaginal yeast infections
- Skin rashes (Itching or redness in body creases)
- Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
- Weight imbalances (over or under-weight despite diet)
- Premature aging
- Poor concentration (brain Fog}
- Digestive issues (Irritable bowel syndrome, gas or bloating, constipation, heartburn
- Sinus infections
- Arthritic pain
- High and low blood sugar
- Allergies
- Increased chances of fungal Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Candida Causes Thrush
Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast. It is a fungal infection of your mouth and throat.

Thrush is a fungal infection of your mouth and throat.
Oral thrush Candida is responsible for the whitish spotted or patchy eruptions on the tongue and throat. Symptoms may include feeling a burning sensation inside the mouth, an unpleasant taste, and possible cracks in the corners of the mouth.
With vaginal thrush (vaginal yeast infection), there may be itching, irritation, and swelling of the vagina and possibly a creamy white discharge.
Men can get Candida infections too…

Yeast infections are commonly associated with women; however, candida infections can also affect men, usually on the penis’ head. A penile yeast infection may cause redness, irritation, and soreness with a possible discharge.
The most common cause of a penile yeast infection for men is unprotected intercourse with a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection.
Other than intercourse with a yeast infected partner, poor hygiene can make men vulnerable to a yeast infection. Not bathing regularly or properly cleaning your genitals increases your risk. Being uncircumcised increases your risk factor, as the foreskin area can be a breeding ground for Candida.
Excluding menstrual problems and PMS, men are not exempt from the list of Candida symptoms mentioned above if the overgrowth is left untreated over time.
Candida Fungal Infection

Candida can also affect the toes with nail fungus, possibly affecting all or part of the nail resulting in a foul-smelling, discolored and thicker nail. Other common fungal and Candida issues that are overlooked include dandruff, skin problems, rashes, itchy skin, allergies, athlete’s foot, just to name a few.
Research has suggested that Candida’s toxins can penetrate the brain and neurotransmitters and cause psychological disturbances, from mood swings to fuzzy thinking and even psychotic episodes. Candida sufferers can experience many symptoms caused by toxins from the yeast’s metabolic processes and the yeast’s physical presence.
Yeast requires sugar to thrive and multiply, so today’s standard diet of highly processed food is the perfect kind of fuel for Candida. An unhealthy body creates an ideal environment for Candida to thrive, grow, and take over.
The key is to make sure that your diet and lifestyle inhibits their growth. It is essential to focus on making the body a less favorable environment for this organism.
What you should Know About Treating A Candida Infection
3 Key points to remember when it comes to treating Candida overgrowth:
- Starve the Yeast
- Destroy the Overgrowth
- Replenish and Restore the Good Bacteria
Starve the Yeast
Candida feeds off of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and yeast-containing foods. Remove all gluten, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, dried fruit, fruit juices, and fermented foods from your diet. Fermented foods not only feed good bacteria, but they also feed Candida.
Destroy the Overgrowth
Once the Candida is contained, you want to attack the overgrowth. You can do this by breaking down the Candida cell walls with Candifense caprylic acid (naturally found in coconut oil) and an anti-Candida diet.
Replenish and Restore the Good Bacteria
Replenish and restore your gut with good bacteria. Take a high-potency probiotic to aid in controlling your Candida. Take a probiotic supplement that contains 100 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) to restore your gut’s healthy microbial balance.
Treat Your Yeast Infection Naturally Using These Ingredients In Your Juice or Smoothie

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil naturally contains the antibacterial fatty acids capric acid and lauric acid, which promote gut health. These antifungal fatty acids interfere with Candida growth and replication by poking holes in its cell wall, causing them to die. Capric, or caprylic, acid is fast and effective at eliminating Candida overgrowth.
Garlic contains allicin, a compound with natural antifungal properties that inhibit the growth and reproduction of Candida cells. Garlic strengthens the immune system by promoting white blood cells’ and other immune cells to fight infections, attack viruses, and other bacteria.
The best way to reap garlic’s benefits is to add freshly crushed raw ingredients to your diet.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, arugula, broccoli, and radishes, contain compounds called isothiocyanates. These sulfur and nitrogen-rich compounds prevent the growth of Candida. Their antibacterial properties also support a healthy balance of bacteria.
When you combine these ingredients together in your juice or smoothie recipe, you boost your immunity and reduce the overgrowth of fungus and harmful bacteria.
Ginger or Ginger Oil
Ginger contains gingerols and shaogaols. These inflammation-fighting, antifungal components of the ginger root support a healthy balance of bacteria to eliminate an overgrowth.
Clove Oil
Cloves are very effective in preventing the growth of Candida cells. Cloves contain a potent essential oil called Eugenol. When consumed orally, Eugenol is an extremely effective antifungal.
Clove oil can also be used as a topical aid for toenail and fingernail fungal infections.
Cinnamon or Cinnamon Oil
The UWE research group reported that cinnamon can act as an antifungal by damaging the yeast’s cell membrane, causing them to die. It may be beneficial to include cinnamon oil in your diet to eliminate or prevent Candida overgrowth.
Plain Yogurt
The good bacteria in plain yogurt helps to fight yeast. Since yeast feed on sugar, make sure that you buy plain, unsweetened yogurt. Whether store-bought or homemade, eating yogurt before meals provides “good bacteria” for your stomach.
This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or physician.
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